In 2019 at TRANSLOG Connect Maflow won the 7th CEE Logistics and Supply Chain Excellence Award in the manufacturer category!
Maflow as a part of Boryszew Group, Boryszew is a privately-owned Polish industrial manufacturing-focused capital group with over 100 years of track record.
- It has over 1.3 billion EUR annual turnover
- It is a member of WIG-20 – Polish blue chip index
- Maflow benefits from Boryszew’s good financial standing and reputation in the financial market
As the leading supplier of Fluid Handling Systems, Maflow supplies its products to the majority of OEMs (i.e. VW, Porsche, Audi, Seat, Skoda, BMW, Renault, GM, PSA, JLR, Volvo, Daimler, Scania, DAF) and Tier 1s.
With 11 production plants in Poland, France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, India and China, 3 R&D centers, over 4000 employees, 122000 m2 of combined production space, Maflow has over 7% of global and 20 % of European A/C hoses market share. Maflow Group offers a diversified products range for multiple vehicle applications.
To learn more about their award winning project we asked Jakub Juszczyk, Maflow Group Logistics Director about the project which made them win the award!
Jakub has been working as a Global Logistics Director of Maflow since 2010. Logistics, transport, supply chain has been his main areas of his professional focus for over 20 years of his career until now.
Which challenges have you addressed in the project which won the award?
Jakub Juszczyk "We have put our main focus on how to create an efficient and compact tool enabling us to reduce a very time consuming email/phone communication with all supply chain partners both internally at Maflow as with external partners. It was clear to all of us from the very beginning that it has to be an SAP integrated tool for internal users of the system with an online platform visualizing the results of interaction with external supply chain partners. Summarizing it, our key goal was to make another step towards more efficient, transparent and automated supply chain information exchange process."
What were the major achievements after the project had been implemented?
Jakub Juszczyk "The implementation of the new system has brought several benefits for the Organization of Maflow. Integration with the ERP system – SAP eliminated the necessity to rewrite data between both systems. Transport platform enables centralized and transparent transport management – one compact system consolidating transport management, communication with carriers/forwarders, transport control follow-up, metrics and reports generation to guarantee data presentation and support decision making processes. The number of emails exchanged every day with transport service providers has been limited to the very minimum decreasing the job load of our Transport Management Staff.
Thanks to the successful implementation and very dynamic auction system Maflow managed to reduce its transport costs by 15% so far mainly on inbound deliveries where transport is organized by us due to Ex works Incoterms. Concluding our project our transport management process has definitely become more transparent, efficient and structured comparing to the status before the platform start-up and integration with our ERP system SAP."
In your opinion how is the award supporting the developments of logistics in the CEE region?
Jakub Juszczyk "I strongly believe that our lesson learned and experience gathered during the project implementation and afterwards might be an essential inspiration for all the companies thinking about their work efficiency, organization, data correctness and transparency in the supply chain. It could therefore surely contribute to further development of Logistics in the CEE region."
Which are the biggest challenges your department is currently facing?
What type of new solutions or methods are you planning to introduce in your current and upcoming project?
Jakub Juszczyk "Our biggest challenge within Supply Chain Department of Maflow is definitely to keep close focus on continuous processes improvement making certain that we both manage to fulfill our Customer requirements and at the same time we do reach the target to gradually optimize our work ergonomics via automated and system supported procedures within daily routines roadmap."
Are you planning to apply for the award again in the future?
Jakub Juszczyk "It would be a great pleasure and honor to me and my team to be able to apply for the award also in the years to come. I am quite confident we will be able to present good results of the projects running at present during future TRANSLOG events. We will work hard to make it happen."
Are you planning to attend TRANSLOG again next year?
Jakub Juszczyk "Yes, it would be a great experience again to attend TRANSLOG next year as well, no doubt about it."
If you think your solution is cutting-edge and should be recognized by the industry, apply for the 8th CEE Logistics & Supply Chain Management Excellence Award and put your business in the spotlight by presenting your solution at the upcoming TRANSLOG Connect Congress!
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